Discover the Colorful Beauty of Festivals in France 

Bringing the ancient beauty of Europe but equally modern and luxurious. France attracts tourists with romantic cities, the world’s most architectural works. Along with the magnificent and beautiful appearance, the festival in France is also one of the interesting experiences not to be missed when coming to the “city of light”. Let’s  explore some unique festivals in France!

The French festival is a picture showing the unique and unique features of the culture of the “fashion capital”. It can be said that France is a country that loves festivals, not only known for its fashion, cuisine, and architecture, but French festivals are held all year round in this country, attracting millions of tourists. participation schedule.

1. Festival of Lights

It is no coincidence that France is known as “the capital of light”. If you want to once immerse yourself in the sky of light with countless brilliant colors, enjoy the world’s top cuisine, the festival of lights in France is the perfect choice for you.

The festival of lights is held every year in the city of Lyon (France). Lyon is the second oldest city in France, the place to keep and preserve the old French architecture recognized by UNESCO as a world cultural heritage. That was before, but now France is known as one of the most “enjoying” cities in the world. It would not be an exaggeration to compare the Dharma to the “City of Festivals” because here festivals take place almost at any time of the year. And one of the festivals that attracts a large number of French people and tourists is the Festival of Lights.

Festivals in FranceThe festival of lights in France takes place within 4 days, of which December 8 is the main holiday in the festival. The festival of lights is meant as an expression of gratitude to the Virgin Mary, the French believe that she was the one who protected them from the plague in 1643. The bustling atmosphere enveloped the whole city from the very beginning. At the beginning of the festival, everyone embarks on decorating their homes, lighting a candle on the stained glass windows. At exactly 19:00, the whole number of teachers will be bright, full of colors, shimmering, fanciful, thought only in dreams, but in France this is a completely real scene. Just looking at it is enough to make one swoon.

Festivals in FranceOn December 18, the ceremony officially begins, held at the foot of Fourvière and Croix Rousse hills, people will pray together in front of Fourvière church built on Fourvière hill, where the statue of St. The Virgin Mary is dignified at the top of the church. After the official ceremony ended, everyone had fun together, participated in festival activities, and enjoyed the cuisine of the most luxurious city in the world.

2. Lemon Festival

Not only attracts tourists with the straight grape fields but also attracts tourists by the yellow citrus fields. That is also the reason why the lemon festival is present in this country.

Lemon festival is one of the oldest festivals in France, nearly 80 years now still held regularly. This is an artistic festival of beautiful France, held annually in Meton. Meton is a place in the South of France, a region with a cool climate, famous for its poetic and peaceful beauty. This is one of the most ideal locations to grow lemons in France and in Europe. Therefore, the lemon here is usually of much better quality and color than in other regions.

Lemon Festival

It is also understandable why there is a Lemon festival in Meton. The Lemon Festival is usually held very grandly, the main character of this festival is the lemons designed as unique works and works such as the Taj Maha temple, windmills, … by artisans. carefully selected and skillfully used hundreds of tons of oranges and lemons to build the citadel, making people admire and admire the talent of these artisans. Since the effect of the Lemon festival, this land of Meton annually attracts millions of tourists to visit and enjoy this unique festival in France.

Each year, the festival will be held according to a theme, usually familiar topics, close to the daily life of the people of Meton such as people, houses, animals or the musical life of people. People are represented by oranges on the background of bright, shiny lemons. Surely you cannot take your eyes off when admiring the masterpieces of art here.

3. White Night Festival

It would be great if tourists visit Paris on the occasion of the White Nights festival. Visitors will admire the splendid beauty of the night sky filled with light. Visitors will be immersed in the bustling, joyful atmosphere of a sleepless Paris night.

White Night Festival

The White Night Festival is held annually in October every year, this is a festival for creativity, cultural activities and entertainment. This festival attracts a large number of French people and tourists. On this festival night, the sun does not seem to go out in the magnificent city of Paris, most people will stay up all night to go out to the street to participate in fun entertainment activities. The festival takes place most actively on both banks of the Seine and in the old quarters of France.

White Night Festival

During this festival, art works will be displayed and displayed so that all residents and visitors can admire the masterpieces of talented artists. The most prominent among them is the Berlin collective invisible playground, where cultural activities that bring the community together such as word puzzles and sentence matching will take place. There are also equally interesting activities such as the fictional court hosted by famous artist couples, where fantasy debate activities will take place. One of the most anticipated highlights of the white night event is probably a performance by choreographer Oliviers Dubois and amateur dancers and musicians at the Canopée mall. Participating in the festival, tourists will be able to participate in free games, reading books at the Louver museum… 

White Night FestivalSince the appearance of this festival, tourists come to Paris more and more. According to statistics, every year more than 1.5 million people attend this White Night festival when coming to Paris. This is considered as one of the great achievements in promoting the image and tourism of France. Many other cities also follow in the footsteps of Paris to organize the White Night festival such as: Rome (Italya), Madrid (Spain)… But when it comes to “White Night” people will immediately think of “the capital of light” Paris because because of the scale and grandeur in the organization of the festival as well as the longevity of the festival in Paris.

4. Wine Festival

When it comes to France, it is impossible not to mention wine. The wine festival is one of the traditional cultural events of France. This is one of the oldest festivals in France. Coming to the wine festival, visitors can not only enjoy the famous wines in France, but also immerse themselves in the cultural and culinary space imbued with French imprints.

Wine FestivalThe wine festival is usually held every two years in the city of Bordeaux, capital of the western Aquitine region of France. This festival is meant to promote wine – one of the typical drinks of this country, the wine festival usually lasts for 4 days.

Wine FestivalOne of the most anticipated performances in this festival is the fireworks competition with the participation of a number of countries around the world. The sky of Bordeaux in the night seemed to be lit up by the bright, colorful light of each fireworks display. Coming to France without experiencing the wine festival, not being immersed in the light sky of Bordeaux is a big loss in your travel journey.

5. Carnival Festival

One of the traditional French festivals that anyone dreams of experiencing when coming to this beautiful city is the Nice Carnival. Not only is it a festival, but it is also imbued with the religious beliefs of the Côte d’Azur region of France. The festival is held every year from February 14 to March 4 every year.

Carnival FestivalCarnival consists of 3 important events: the Corso carnival, the battle of flowers and the parade of lights. During the Corso carnival, the theme of masquerade will be changed year by year, the masquerade parade will be supported by many of France’s top masquerade masters will surely bring viewers a unique experience. The most emotional, romantic and wonderful time. The battle of flowers is equally exciting and attractive. On the carriages on the street, there are 2-3 women wearing eye-catching costumes throwing thousands of beautiful flowers to the surrounding spectators. After the battle of flowers, there will be a spectacular and brilliant festival of lights along with a fleet of shimmering carriages of light marching on the street.

Carnival Festival

If you have the opportunity to come to beautiful France, you must definitely experience these traditional cultural festivals. Coming to French festivals is not only to have fun or experience, but also to help you better understand the culture of France and the people of France.

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