The Famous Festival in England is a Must to Experience When Coming Here

England is known as the country “The sun never sets”, famous for its beautiful foggy country. This place promises to bring visitors the most unique and wonderful experiences. One of the features that, if ignored, will be a big omission in the travel journey to this beautiful Kingdom is the fun and colorful UK festivals. This is also one of the cultural beauties of the British. Join us to  see what these festivals have to offer!

Not only enchanting people with magnificent castles only in fairy tales, the British festival has long been known as one of the most memorable spots in this beautiful Kingdom.

1. Rolling Cheese Festival

The Rolling Cheese Festival in the UK is known as a one-of-a-kind festival in the world. This is one of the traditional and long-lived festivals in Brockworth and until now this bizarre festival is crowded with tourists around the world who want to experience it once when coming to England. This festival is usually held in spring throughout the UK, meaning as one of the forms of spring celebration.

Festivals in England

As unique as the festival’s name is, on this holiday there will be a giant cheese weighing up to 4kg, round like a wheel rolling from Cooper Hill in Gloucester. After that, there will be hundreds of people together chasing the cheese, the winner will be the one who catches the cheese before it hits the bottom of the hill.

Festivals in England

Usually only about 20 people survive to the last second, most of them give up midway due to exhaustion or injury in the process of chasing cheese. Medical staff and ambulances are available at all times to provide timely assistance to attendees. Although hundreds of people rolled around chasing a piece of cheese, their clothes were stained, their hands and feet were scratched, but covering the festive atmosphere was laughter and joy.

Festivals in England

Thought the reward would be something really worth the effort. But no, the reward for the winner is only a symbolic 4kg Cheese, but they still accept it with joy, attending the festival with a joyful spirit, not paying attention to the reward at all. Because of that, the festivals in this beautiful Kingdom are many times more fun.

2. Lễ hội Guy Fawkes Night

Guy Fawkes Night is a big festival in the UK, held all over the UK from the streets to the alleys, all of them are full of fireworks when it comes to this festival.

Festivals in England

Guy Fawkes Night, also known as Bonfire Night, Fireworks Night and Plot Night, is an annual but not national holiday. holiday of this Kingdom (evening of November 5th). This festival originated then spread quickly to South Africa, New Zealand and Canada with the meaning of commemorating the defeat of a group of Christians who plotted to burn gunpowder to overthrow Parliament in London but failed.

Lễ hội Guy Fawkes Night

On this day, people often set off firecrackers and set up large bonfires next to effigies representing Mr. Fawkes – the mastermind to overthrow Parliament. Before 5/11 most children in the UK had a dummy that carried it to beg for money from adults and used to say “Pey for the guy”.

Up to now, this night has only meant as a community festival, or to serve tourists to better understand the UK, but no longer has much meaning of political or partisan distinction.

3. Easter 

Easter is one of the major holidays around the world in general and in the UK in particular. Often called Easter, after the name of the queen of spring, it is usually celebrated during the spring equinox. Today, Easter is one of the important holidays of the Church of God that is meant to commemorate the resurrection of Jesus, usually celebrated on March 22 and April 25 according to the Christian calendar. church.

Easter (Easter)

On Easter day, people often use eggs that have been dyed with shimmering colors, or eggs that have been decorated or made with chocolate as gifts to each other, these eggs are called Easter Eggs. It is considered a symbol for revival, for a new life.

Easter (Easter)

After the Easter Egg-giving ceremony, on Easter Monday there will be an egg-rolling contest usually held in the North of England. Hard-boiled eggs will be rolled from a local steep incline whoever rolls the farthest is considered the winner. However, in other regions, it is considered that eggs that do not break or roll between two piles are considered winning eggs.

Festivals in England

After Easter Monday, there will be an Easter parade, this is one of the rituals that a large number of people participate in, not only domestic but also tourists to join in the jubilant atmosphere of the day. Traditional Easter. Parade participants wear hats or wide-brimmed hats decorated with spring flowers and hats.

4. New Year’s Celebration

The new year of the country “the sun never sets” is usually very exciting, starting with a party, or with family, maybe gathering at pug (pub) or going to the club with friends. The moment when the clock strikes New Year’s Eve is also a bustling moment when many people gather, whistle, whistle, kiss and raise a glass to congratulate the new year.

New Year's Celebration

From the time of New Year’s Eve, the person who enters the house first will be the one who brings the family’s luck in the coming year. In Vietnam, this person is also known as the First Footing. According to his custom, the person who broke into the house would usually bring a lump of coal, a loaf of bread and a bottle of wine. When entering the house, this person will be responsible for placing the coal in the fireplace, placing the loaf of bread on the table and pouring the host a glass of wine. Everyone is not allowed to say anything at this time until the person who breaks into the house says “Happy New Year”. The intruder must enter the front door and exit through the back door.

5. Boxing Day

Boxing Day is celebrated on December 26 (Celebratory Gift Day) on this day, traders often receive a Christmas Box, in the gift box there is usually a small amount of money symbolizing the symbolism. Good luck buying and selling for a year.

Boxing Day

This day is also often a day to visit relatives, brothers or sisters or organize parties, or organize football matches or other sports. Boxing Day is a holiday for shops and banks. However, now some shops in the UK have broken the rule when it comes to Boxing Day and still open to serve customers who want to spend money during the Christmas holiday.

Boxing Day

British Festival is one of the experiences that you cannot miss when traveling to the land of fog. You will definitely enjoy moments of true relaxation, immersed in the bustling atmosphere of the festive season when coming to the UK.

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