Why Is It Great To Travel Alone? 

When life is too busy because of the pressure of work or relationships surrounding us, we tend to feel heavier. At some point, traveling alone is probably the best option to relieve your burdens and experience many interesting things. It’s not a must, but if you can get out of your comfort zone for a solo trip, maybe you’ll find some new values ​​and experiences for yourself?

Modern society entails the hustle and bustle of daily life with work and relationships. We gradually no longer have time to devote to ourselves as well as experience new things. As the media constantly surrounds us with the thoughts and experiences of others, it is essential to disconnect from them and experience things from our own perspective. For those who love to travel, perhaps at some point you should try traveling alone to feel everything for yourself.

Let's start to experience a solo travel
Let’s start to experience a solo trip – Photo: nomadsworld

But the thought of traveling alone can be intimidating, especially for introverts and social media addicts. However, for some people who have experienced solo travel, they often find that it is the happiest and most fulfilling time for them, when before that they all spend most of their time on work. . So let’s  learn more about solo travel, is it really as scary as we think?

We certainly can’t deny the great things about traveling with friends. But if you want to really relax and have your own “grown up” experiences, why not try exploring a solo trip to feel it for yourself?

Experience a solo travel and feel it
Experience a solo travel and feel it yourself – Photo: Cristian Negroni (500px)

Doing things for yourself makes you feel more free

It’s a fact that with the trip together with friends, it will take us at least two hours just to spend time arguing about where to go next. Some things might be fun to do, others just the opposite. Each of us has our own preferences and unique “limited” lists.

Do the things that make you feel more free when traveling alone
Do things that make you feel freer – Photo: Nick Fox (500px)

On the other hand, when you travel alone, you may be more “selfish” towards your own time. You can wake up whenever you want, eat wherever you want, and go where you’ve always wanted to go. All choices are up to the individual.


Being able to force yourself out of your own “comfort zone”

Whether you’re getting lost in an unfamiliar new city or missing out on important cultural experiences while traveling with friends. Friends groups create a safe “environment” where we feel reassured when something goes wrong. But with solo travel is completely different, you have to be really brave and find all solutions independently.

Get out of your comfort zone
Photo: Mongkol Chuewong (500px)

Who will you become when all the things that make up your “safety wall” disappear? How do you interact with the world around you? Being pushed out of our “comfort zones” can be scary. But it is this that will help us become more mature when you realize that we are still alive and have overcome it. And of course, before each solo trip, you need to carefully prepare information, knowledge and many other things about the place you are going to go.

Rest will be more comfortable

Travels with “close friends” tend to “go, go forever” but forget the important things of a trip that are relaxation.

You will feel more comfortable in resting anywhere you want
You will feel more comfortable in resting wherever you want – Photo: Forbes

If you are traveling alone, you can completely choose to “off” all day just because you want to book hotel room service and “sleep” in bed all day without fear of offending anyone or hurting yourself. I am ashamed. Those are the moments of real rest separate from the busy life around, the quiet moments in life that we don’t easily get. Enjoy and nourish your soul in the most relaxing moments of your trip alone.

You will be able to discover who you really are

Take a solo trip to discover yourself
You will never know how far your abilities will stop, so why not try them out? – Photo: Nick Fox (500px)

Perhaps most importantly, traveling alone will help you discover who you really are. Visiting museums large and small, unique restaurants and even local tourist attractions will help you have more interesting experiences. Thereby also contributing to creating in you deeper inner moments.

Although, you probably won’t be able to realize these until they are slowly visualized over a long period of time. Therefore, each of us still needs to have a very productive alone time to be able to feel them more easily.

Take a solo trip to discover more interesting things about yourself
Take a solo trip to discover more interesting things about yourself – Photo: Benjamin Plouffe (500px)

If you’re looking for a place to reflect on what you want in life or want to give yourself some love, take a solo trip and leave it all behind. everything in your head for a few days, this will bring about miracles that you could not have thought of before. Try to discover yourself for once and you will gradually realize that you have been buying tickets to travel alone more often ever since. It will definitely be the most memorable and memorable trip in our life.


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